Removed the radiator by firstly removing the front bumper and fog lights then drilling out the pop rivets that hold the skid plate onto the front wings. This gives access to the bottom radiator hose. Had to disconnect the air-con hoses, noticed a lack of coolant in the A/C system.
Sent radiator to Dixon Radiator Repair in Denton, Manchester (0161 336 2705) - £40 for the resolder repair. Top and bottom front hoses in poor condition. Replaced with new 40mm ID silicone ones - £20
Cooling fans seem slow and wires are in poor condition. Stripped both fans down and rewired them. Fitted auxiliary fan cut in switched wired to fire the fan relays in the fuse box – simply earths the relay coil in the same way as the temp sensor switch.
Stripped down front bumper and paint and waxoyled behind to protect. Added stainless fasteners where removed.
Refitted the radiator, filled and bled the system – no leaks. On the test drive the car ran lumpy but fine after a stop and warmed up. Running hot at 95° on test run and it turned out that both fans were running but the wrong way! Re-connected them the correct way and problem solved.
Removed the rear bumper and painted and waxoyled as per the front.