Looking at the brake pistons it was clear that I would benefit from fitting new ones. Remember that they are the same as Porsche 911 ones (47.97mm x 30 mm) and I bought four new ones and the required seal kit from a company called
BiggRed - total cost around £120.
You can see the rust removed to reveal shiny casting ready to be reassembled. De-grease the whole thing and plenty of compressed air to make sure there is absolutely no dirt in the callipers.

Fit the new hudraulic seals and pistons with a little brake fluid on the piston as you push it in. I also add some brake grease (red) around the piston as I finally push it down into the calliper housing.
The cut-away on the mating face of the piston has to point towards the forward rotation of the brake disc (brake rotor).

Then fit new dust seals and spring clips - these can be a PITA to fit.
All rebuilt now and ready to re-install on the car. These callipers could do with a gold repaint really, but they still look ok from through the wheels so I will wait until summer to do this.

After rebuilding both front callipers with new stainless steel pistons and new seals I decided to also fit new discs bought from the BremboShop and of course new pads (same as Alfa Spider).
So finally all new brakes and no more pulling to the right :)
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